About Me

My photo
Hi i am a Graphic Designer/Illustrator/photographer from Wigan with a huge interest in the natural world. If you like my stuff, drop me a line...adamdice@sky.com


My vehicle that i sent off to 3 companies during the summer. Each one contained a hand made wooden pen in a wooden box, surrounded by wood shavings beneath a clear material.

"Hi, my name is Adam Dyson and i am a Graphic Design student at Wigan School for the Arts. I am currently creating a vehicle in which i have a booklet representing me and my work and i will be sending it off into the industry in the hope of getting feedback and a better knowledge of the design world. I have looked through some of the work at Zumm and i am very impressed. I am thinking of sending you one of my vehicles and i would like to know just who i should send it to. Thankyou very much for your time."
 My E-mail to Zumm Creative - There was no response back.

"Hi my name is Adam Dyson, a Graphic Design student at Wigan School for the Arts. I am currently working on a vehicle which we will send out into the industry to get ourselves known and to hopefully learn abit about the trade in which we are involved. I have looked through your work and i am extremely impressed and i would like to send you one of my vehicles which i am creating. I would be thankful if you could tell me who at Ahoy i would aim it at. Thankyou for your time."
My E-mail to Ahoy - There was no response back.

"Hi, my name is Adam Dyson and i am a Graphic Design student at Wigan School for the Arts. I am currently creating a vehicle which will represent "me" which i will then send out into the industry in the hope of gaining more knowledge of the design world and to get my work out there. I must admit of all the Design Companies i have seen you guys are definatly my favourite. I am a huge lover of the outdoors and alot of my design work reflects my interest in nature. I also try to include alot of my photography into my work. My photos all tend to be wildlife themed, from insects to landscapes i take a wide variety. British Wildlife means alot to me and my designs definatly have a certain "natural style" so i was beyond impressed when i discovered Dandi. I was hoping that i could send you guys one of my vehicles and i was wondering if you could tell me just who in your company should i send it to. thankyou very much for your time."
My E-mail to Dandi creative - There was no response back (very Dissapointing)  

to anton.watson

Hello, my name is Adam Dyson, a Graphic design student at Wigan and Leigh college. I believe your wife works with my mum at Hindley Green CP school? I recieved your business card this evening, very nice illustration on the back, and wanted to get in touch as soon as possible.

So i little about myself, i studied National Diploma Graphic design for 2 years at Wigan School for the Arts, picking up a City and Guilds in Life drawing and key Skills along the way. I am currently on the Foundation Degree Graphic Design course from Salford University although its taught at Wigan School for the Arts. Part of my Professional Practice brief from Salford involves me spending at least 1 day in a design studio to get an idea of industry and how a design studio functions. We went down to London earlier in the year to take a look at a select few agencies including Adam and Eve, Creature and BMB where we met Trevor Beattie. At the end of june we were tasked with building 3 "vehicles" to promote ourselves that we would then send out to 3 chosen companies with the hope of getting a placement for a few days ( pictures of mine are available on my blog, link below). However the companys that i sent them out to were too busy to have me go in for a few days and communications with them have broken down slightly.

During the last year i have been heading in a more illustration dominated pathway and intend to go on and take the illustration course at Salford next year ( the open day is Saturday, so i will know for sure then if it is right for me). A lot of my work and illustrations are Wildlife based, Natural History is a huge part of my life and so it tends to reflect in some of the work i do especially my "Identity" which promotes me and my work. Photography has been a hobby of mine for a few years and its a hobby that i take seriously, sometimes just as seriously as my design. My photos are very varied but some of my best are of Wildlife, i am particularly fond of insect macro photography which i would like to investigate more. I am also making a move into Film photography since i have a functioning Dark Room in my attic and it would be a shame to waste the opportunity.

I was hoping that your company would allow me to pop in for at least 1 day just to take a look around and see how a studio works, i dont mind spending the day making the tea its all experience and wuld give me a better idea of the industry that i am entering. I want to make it clear that i am not asking for a job at the moment i think that the previous companys i contacted thought i was and was put off from replying. I understand that it may not be possible, i know you must be extremely busy with various briefs but thankyou very much for your time, i look forward to your reply.

These are links to my Blog:
                        and Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/68087043@N04/

cheers, Adam.

This was an E-mail to Anton Watson, the creative production manager from Photolink Creative Group, i was put in touch with him by a friend of my mums, very lucky really as this lead to my placement.

Hi Adam, I have just been looking at the schedules for the next few weeks, and I could give you a day in the week commencing 19th December. Can you let me know what day suits you best, but not the Friday.  Regards.
Anton Watson

This was the reply that i got, i was thrilled i had finally got a placement at a studio. I quickly responded and arranged a date that was suitable for us both.

Hi Anton, Wednesday 21st is the best for me, i only return from Finland late Monday/early tuesday so wednesday is the next free day after that. Thanks for squeezing me in on such short notice its greatly appreciated, see you soon,


Hi Adam, 21st is OK, see you around 9.30am. Regards.


As part of my professional practice, we are required to get a brief from our contacts to work on. I got in contact with Anton from Photolink Creative and asked for a more illustration oriantated brief as that is my chosen pathway. I am waiting for a reply.

Hi Anton

How are things? hope your well and had a good christmas and new year.

Getting hectic at college now, building a portfolio for University and briefs coming from all directions at the moment, brilliant stuff.
Its regarding a brief that i'm getting in contact, as part of my professional practice we have to get a brief from industry to work on and then present.

Is it possible for you to send me an old Photolink brief, preferably Illustration based if possible as i intend to head into illustration at University,
it would be greatly appreciated.

look forward to hearing from you soon,
