About Me

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Hi i am a Graphic Designer/Illustrator/photographer from Wigan with a huge interest in the natural world. If you like my stuff, drop me a line...adamdice@sky.com





Hi i am an Illustrator and Photographer specializing in Wildlife, from Wigan, i nipped into your Wigan branch the other day and there was some great artwork on display. I just wanted to enquire if its possible for me to get involved and to maybe get my work in one of your galleries, or are your galleries strictly paintings only? Thankyou for your time.

E-mail i sent to Northern Galleries inquiring about exhibiting my work.

Hi, you can submit work for us to look at by sending details etc to submissions@acartandframing.co.uk
We can then take things from there
Kind regards

The E-mail that i received back.


The creative industries come in for a hard time when it comes to environmental sustainability.
The world needs to change but how can we adopt a different approach and where do we start?
Nat Hunter and panel are going to look at what we can practically do to reduce human uptake of declining resources. Sharing inspirational examples such as the 2011 D&AD Annual, which has been produced sustainably and reduced its carbon footprint to be 82% less than the 2010 edition, the debate will center on how we share knowledge and work collectively as an industry sector to make a difference.

Nat Hunter, Creative Director, Airside (Chair)
Sian Berry, Campaign for Better Transport
Helen Heathfield, Julie’s Bicycle
Steven Johnson, Creative Director, The Hub
Sophie Thomas, Designer, Thomas Matthews

I was pondering where about on my blog to post this little review of the live D&AD talk. I was going to just have it as a normal blog post on my home page but i felt that the subject of the talk was a too important and a little close to my heart. It is no secret that my life revolves around the natural world, it is included in a lot of things i do and most of the work i do for me personally involves wildlife.

This talk really brought home how much we waste and how badly designed many things are, there was a quote in the talk about "if something cannot be re-used then it is badly designed" and that is very true. The facts are a scary read, and as designers we can make a difference weather it be printing on both sides of paper or designing products that can be re-used again and again. the latest D&AD annual has been designed with all this in mind making it the most economically manufactured annual to date.

There was a few slides in the talk that impressed the dangers of plastics for wildlife, especially Albatross'. The young Albatross are being fed multi-colored plastics like lighters and toothbrushes by their parents because they are being mistaken for squid. I placed this little review in my pathway page because it made me think of a slightly different direction, a more economical design future especially as wildlife and the natural world feature heavily in my work and will continue to do so in the future because that is what i love and that is where i want to be!

Here is a link to a green design company who specialize in conservation and the environment. I found out about them last year and sent one of my vehicles to them, unfortunately i was unable to establish contact, witch is dissapointing as they are one of my favorite design companies http://www.dandicreative.co.uk/index.htm

plastic found in the stomach from the carcass of a Laysan Albatross

This was found inside ONE albatross chick, and was one of the photos featured in the D&AD talk.